2023 has ended. It’s hard to believe that 2018, the year I started professionally coding, was 6 years ago.
2023 in a short review
- acquired this domain, finally, in 2023.
- Started this blog and I am committed to not abandoning it.
- Posted 3 articles and received approximately 30 visitors.
- My pages have not yet appeared in the search console.
Post frequency
I prefer to post quality content on this blog rather than just posting for the sake of it. This means I cannot post every week. However, I will try to post one article every 15 days. Four weekend days should be sufficient for one post, I guess. That means I aim to post around 24 times in 2024.
Topics to cover
Weird tricks of JavaScript
This is my favorite topic. I love the quirks of JavaScript and started the blog with an article on this. Expect more JavaScript weirdness in 2024.
I have been working with React and Vue in various projects and am possibly bored with these two JS libraries/frameworks.
I explored Svelte in its infancy and haven’t monitored its development since then due to a busy schedule. In 2024, I am determined to find time (by spending less time on social media) to give Svelte a try. That means I will post Svelte content here as well.
Next JS
Since I have been working with React, it makes sense to post a few articles on Next.js.
Build tools and performance
There has been significant development in the JavaScript ecosystem. I plan to post a comprehensive article on JavaScript build tools and my learnings/findings.
As a JavaScript developer, I’m familiar with NodeJS but haven’t spent much time on it. I am determined to dive deeper into NodeJS and its ecosystem, including Express, databases, and other technologies. This means there might be posts related to these topics here.
WebRTC is one of my favorite innovations for web developers, but it’s a shame that I don’t have any notable applications to showcase. I will see if 2024 will be the year when I end this long personal wait.
AI and machine learning
AI is a hot topic, and it has even been used on this blog for grammar corrections and rephrasing statements. However, I probably won’t post AI-related content here, as I want this blog to focus on web development (though not exclusively JavaScript).
But, of course, I don’t want to be left behind, so I might post AI content elsewhere.
The above list is just a wishlist, and I hope to cover quality content on these topics. I am hoping to continue in 2024 what I started in 2023.
Side notes
image used from: https:// www. strata-gee. com
Found any problem in this article? Email me at wtf@abhishek.wtf